Four African-American women discussing leadership. Leadership coaching for women.

The CORE of Female Leadership – Team Training

Give Your Team A Strong C.O.R.E. With Core Success Team Training 

Your business can only be successful so long as your team is working in harmony. How can you ensure your team will work well together? For the past 15 years, Leezá Steindorf has helped hundreds of people worldwide become the best they can be and accomplish their goals. Now, through her Portland-based business Core Success, she can help you, too. 

Leezá Gives Your Employees The Tools They Need To Succeed 

It is important to foster a healthy can inclusive culture in your workplace. A healthy and inclusive culture will keep your employees safe, happy, and productive. Through her team training and development services, Leezá addresses a wide range of common workplace issues. Through this training, you and your team can learn to resolve the following issues: 

  • Poor communication 
  • No accountability 
  • Insecurities 
  • Crisis-management 
  • Fear of retaliation 
  • Diversity and inclusion 
  • and more! 

Achieve C.O.R.E Success With Your Team 

Leezá will help promote harmony and work to resolve issues with your team through the use of Core Success’s ideology, with focuses on these principles: Clarity, Ownership, Resolution, and Excellence.  

Don’t Wait To Improve Your Employees’ Teamwork With The Help Of Core Successful 

To get started, Leezá will help you identify which training is appropriate for addressing the needs of your team. Leezá will discuss your team’s challenges, strengths, and objectives with you, then help you foster long-term positive change for your employees. Want to figure out if Leezá’s services are for you? Book a free 20-minute assessment today! 

Leezá Carlone Steindorf Is Ready To Help You! 

Core Success’s Leezá Carlone Steindorf is an executive coach and motivational keynote speaker, she has an extensive background in world-class multinational corporations, trade unions, nonprofits, and educational institutions in over 35+ cultures. With her experience, she can help leaders make consistent forward movement, especially during the most extreme of circumstances. Contact Core Success today to learn how you can benefit from Leezá’s guidance.